Tianjin Updates

Birthdays celebrated during Tianjin children's art festival


Updated: 2024-07-22

The birthdays of participating children from around the world were celebrated earlier today at the 2024 Tianjin International Children's Art Festival.

The China Soong Ching Ling Foundation Peace Angel Art Troupe marked the birthdays of children from Bulgaria, Ecuador, Egypt and Mongolia at the Cathay Future Kawaya Park in Tianjin.

Zhao Qian, deputy chairman of the Cathay Future Foundation, along with the heads of the participating art troupes, joined the children in cutting the birthday cake and extending best wishes.

Today's event was covered by bilingual student reporters from Tianjin's primary, middle and high schools. The young reporters were there to document the captivating performances, interview the young performers and provide reports on some of the festival's highlights.


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