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The changes of Wangwenzhuang town in Xiqing


Updated: 2023-01-09

In the past, there were more than 1,000 nail making enterprises in Wangwenzhuang town, with a national market share of more than 40%. The products were sold to other areas of China, Russia, Southeast Asia and other surrounding countries. As the nail industry prospered and brought remarkable economic benefits, it also resulted in environmental pollution. However, huge changes can now be seen in the town.


Wangwenzhuang town in Xiqing [Photo/WeChat account: Tianjinxiqing]

In 2017, 356 enterprises found to have caused environmental pollution and 800 companies that failed to meet environmental standards were closed, and a total area of 1,090,000 square meters of industrial cluster were demolished.

To further balance local industrial development and environmental protection, Wangwenzhuang town implemented various policies in addition to shutting down unqualified companies. In order to encourage the upgrading of local enterprises, Xiqing district launched policies on subsidies. Relying on these policies, Wangwenzhuang town has helped companies apply and obtain subsidies of 450 million yuan (about $ 66.4 million).

The town has also constructed a workshop with an area of 50,000 square meters in its industrial park. Upon moving into the industrial park, some enterprises abandoned low-end and polluting production practices and turned to high-end products; some enterprises have introduced high-precision production lines, which not only solved the problem of pollution, but also doubled their profits with new high-quality products. A number of world and national top 500 enterprises, such as CSCEC Steel Structure and Kobe Steel Aluminum, have settled in Wangwenzhuang town, and a number of modern agricultural projects, such as Sinochem Agriculture and the National Japonica Rice Center project, have also taken root here.


Wangwenzhuang town in Xiqing [Photo/WeChat account: Tianjinxiqing]

In 2018, Tianjin started the construction of a green ecological barrier, and the one in Xiqing district was identified as one of eight key areas for the green ecological barrier of Tianjin. Wangwenzhuang town was therefore rated as the core area of the green ecological barrier in Xiqing district. In 2020, the town was recognized as part of the fourth batch of practical innovation bases adhering to "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets". In 2021, the town started to construct a demonstration town for tourism.

Wangwenzhuang town has continuously contributed to rural revitalization with sustainable development methods.

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