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​Hongqiao Paradise Walk in Shanghai undergoes youth-oriented transformation

LMS| Updated: June 19, 2024


Hongqiao Paradise Walk in Shanghai offers vibrant shopping scenes for young consumers. [Photo/WeChat ID: hongqiaoshangwuqu]

Hongqiao Paradise Walk in Shanghai has set its sights on catering to younger generations with diverse lifestyles, hoping to create more dynamic shopping experiences.

Located just a five-minute walk from Hongqiao Railway Station, the revamped Paradise Walk has already seen a surge in foot traffic. It is worth noting that more young consumers are coming to this consumer zone because they are attracted to its quality, experiences, aesthetics, and values.

Post-renovation highlights:

Enhanced Dining Options: Numerous flagship eateries have settles in the area, such as Peet's Coffee, Blueglass yogurt, and the anticipated TIDU restaurant. These additions will provide a variety of choices catering to both quick business lunches and social dining.

Entertainment Focus: The renovation introduced diverse entertainment options, including iKart karting clubs, urban "micro-vacation" hot springs, and music venues. These scenes aim to provide emotional release and enjoyment for young consumers.

Curated Retail Spaces: The new shopping facilities will feature a mix of international brands and boutique stores, focusing on the most avant-garde and youthful brands.

Innovative Office Spaces: The "Blue Ocean Engine" multi-functional shared office space will offer a comfortable and inspiring working environment for young professionals.

Interactive and Cultural Spaces: Collaborations with IP resources will bring exciting events to Hongqiao Paradise Walk, including anime exhibitions and celebrity meet-and-greets.

Social Gathering Spots: The Tianjieli Block will feature "6:00PM Urban Artist Showcase Space" and "After-Work Drinks" activities, providing relaxation spots for white-collar workers. Lehuo Park will host activities like music gatherings and lawn sports in order to integrate culture and leisure into daily life.

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