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Intl delegations explore trade opportunities at Hongqiao Pinhui

LMS| Updated: March 19, 2024

This March, the Hongqiao Import Commodity Exhibition and Trade Center, also known as Hongqiao Pinhui, played host to delegations from North Macedonia and Mexico, advancing international trade relations and opening new opportunities for collaboration.


The North Macedonia delegation visits Hongqiao Pinhui in Shanghai on March 1. [Photo/WeChat account: HQ_365]

On March 1, North Macedonia's delegation, led by Husni Ismaili, deputy speaker of the assembly of North Macedonia, toured the center, including the China International Import Expo (CIIE) favorites hall, the live e-commerce platforms, and the international coffee port.

They learned about Hongqiao Pinhui's seamless process of turning exhibits into market-ready products from Cai Jun, general manager of Hongqiao Pinhui. The discussion continued with meat importers sharing insights on bringing North Macedonian products into China. They focused on frozen goods trade processes, market entry, and expansion strategies for specialty products.

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The Mexican delegation visits Hongqiao Pinhui in Shanghai on March 14. [Photo/WeChat account: HQ_365]

Fast forward to March 14, the Mexican delegation also received a hearty welcome. Included in this delegation were Miguel Ángel Isidro, consul general of Mexico in Shanghai, and Luis Rojas Avila, president of the foreign trade promotion commission of Guanajuato. 

Their visit highlighted the trade of tequila and explored the Chinese coffee market, which led to fruitful discussions on business matchmaking and promotion strategies. This discussion included insights from Shanghai Chiabella, a pioneer in importing Mexican chia seeds to China, indicating strong interest in further collaboration.

These meetings highlight Hongqiao Pinhui's role as a key player in fostering global trade connections that emphasize mutual growth and cultural exchange. With ongoing efforts to enhance market access and brand visibility, the center is set to bolster the presence of North Macedonian and Mexican products in China, promising new chapters in international trade relations.

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