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CIIE exhibitors benefit from strong media coverage

LMS| Updated: January 11, 2024

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The Report on the Media Coverage and Influence of the 6th China International Import Expo is released on Jan 9 at NECC in Shanghai. [Photo/WeChat account: ciie2018]

According to the Report on the Media Coverage and Influence of the 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE), last year's expo resulted in a cumulative media exposure of over ten billion views.

The official website of the expo attracted more than one billion visitors, with multi-channel dissemination both domestically and internationally reaching approximately two billion people.

The 6th CIIE integrated major themes such as the Belt and Road Initiative into its communication strategy, and key phrases like "high-level opening," "China market," "win-win cooperation," and "Hongqiao forum" were constantly trending.

During the expo, the release of a book titled "CIIE Stories" and a series of short films and a special documentary played a key role in promoting the expo and its exhibitors.

The coverage of these "CIIE Stories" in both domestic and international media involved more than 16,000 articles that led to a combined exposure of around 1.5 billion.

The CIIE's official website alone attracted more than one billion visits.

One of the main attractions at the upcoming expo is the enterprise exhibition signing ceremony for the 7th CIIE. Major companies like PepsiCo, Bayer, Tesla, 3M have already  booked exhibition space totaling more than 12,000 square meters.

More than 300 companies have already registered for the 7th CIIE, which will have an exhibition space that is 130,000 sq m more than the previous edition.

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