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Fostering domestic success: UNPICBP Center helps companies secure UN projects

LMS| Updated: January 9, 2024

The UNPICBP Center, located in the Qingpu Area of Hongqiao International CBD, supports domestic companies in securing international bids, having assisted CASFuture (Beijing) Technology Co Ltd in obtaining three bids and seven UN purchase orders.

The center is a collaborative initiative involving the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), the China International Center for Economic and Technological Exchanges (CICETE), the Shanghai Qingpu District people's government, and Shanghai Glorious Investment Development Co Ltd.

As the first international cooperation demonstration project established by a United Nations agency in Asia, the UNPICBP Center promotes the participation of enterprises in the international public procurement market. It is also the first one-stop procurement service and capacity-building center set up by UN agencies in China.

The center aims to become a regional hub for UN and international organization procurement services, facilitating information dissemination and capacity improvement. It provides targeted services for international organizations and encourages Chinese enterprises to participate directly in international procurement.

CASFuture (Beijing) Technology, a national-level high-tech enterprise engaged in aerospace and biomedicine, has made significant progress in international markets with the help of the UNPICBP Center.

Initially facing challenges such as limited market understanding and a lack of efficeint information channels, CASFuture (Beijing) Technology experienced sporadic participation and lengthy intervals between bid submissions in the global market, particularly when it came to UN procurement.

However, with the assistance of the UNPICBP Center, the company has transformed into a mature international entity proficient in public procurement, resulting in several successful bids.

The UNPICBP Center plays a critical role in encouraging domestic enterprises to participate in UN procurement projects. Through regular seminars and promotional events, the center educates and involves more companies in UN procurement.

Additionally, the center provides tailored recommendations to address sourcing challenges and offers resources to aid in qualification assessment and international transportation, ensuring smooth participation in UN projects.

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