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Minhang district companies stand strong in face of cold wave

LMS| Updated: December 20, 2023

Companies in Minhang district are taking proactive measures to address the cold wave that is affecting the region. They have implemented various measures to combat the challenging weather conditions and ensure uninterrupted production while safeguarding the local community.

The Minhang International Logistics Park has extended the operating hours of its canteen to provide a warm environment for truck drivers. In addition to extending the hours, the canteen now offers amenities such as air conditioning, steamed buns, hot water, ginger tea, and soup to accommodate drivers facing delays. These measures aim to provide necessary assistance and support to the truck drivers during waiting periods.

The cold wave also poses challenges to the water supply facilities in the park, as the sharp drop in temperature can cause freezing and potential damage. To prevent such issues, comprehensive inspections have been conducted.

Measures such as insulation of exposed water supply facilities and fire pipelines, leak checks in water supply pipes, and draining stagnant water from faucets have been implemented to ensure smooth operations.

Shanghai Huadian Minhang Company, a crucial energy provider, has been collaborating closely with relevant companies and office users in the park. Before the cold wave hit, a thorough inspection of the heating network was conducted to ensure can operate safely and without interruption.

The heating network serves 34 industrial and commercial users and 17 office buildings in the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone, delivering efficient heat energy during winter.

Shanghai Huadian Minhang Company has coordinated heating time for users, ensuring the normal operation of pipelines and equipment during peak heating periods.

Over 40 employees worked overtime to inspect and fix any defects in the heating network ahead of schedule. Emergency repair personnel and supplies were also implemented to ensure uninterrupted heating.

Despite the persistent cold wave, companies in Minhang district are demonstrating resilience and commitment. They are working diligently to maintain normal operations, support the local community, and prioritize the safety and well-being of their employees and customers.

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