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West Hongqiao Area home to thriving culture, film, and technology industries

LMS| Updated: October 18, 2023

The West Hongqiao Area, located in the Hongqiao International Central Business District, is experiencing remarkable progress in developing its digital industry sector.

This year, China's first film-grade virtual production studio, Shaotang Culture VP Studio, was officially established its base in the area.  

Occupying an area of approximately 2,000 square meters, the studio is equipped with cutting-edge technologies such as an intelligent lighting system, motion capture system, and 3D scanning system.

These advanced systems cater to the production needs of various audio-visual media projects such as movies, TV dramas, short videos, high-end advertisements, digital culture and tourism, as well as government and corporate promotional films.

Benefiting from West Hongqiao Area's easily-accessible location and policies targeting science and technology and cultural industries, the studio enjoys advantages like unrestricted geographical boundaries, streamlined production processes, and significant cost reductions. This has solidified its presence in West Hongqiao Area while expanding its reach across the national market.

The presence of leading film and television technology enterprises, such as Shaotang Culture VP Studio, exemplifies the thriving culture, film, and technology industrial cluster in the West Hongqiao Area. Looking ahead, the area will continue to foster an environment conducive to innovation and business growth.


A shoot takes place in the Shaotang Culture VP Studio located in the West Hongqiao Area of Hongqiao CBD. [Photo/Official WeChat account of West Hongqiao Area]

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