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Shanghai Mixc a hotspot for the youth

LMS| Updated: August 24, 2023


A view of Shanghai Mixc in Minhang district. [Photo/Shanghai Observer]

Shanghai Mixc draws young people from all over Shanghai to take the perfect WeChat moments snap. It now ranks first on the popularity list of Minhang district's malls on some social media platforms.

Since its opening in 2017, Shanghai Mixc has been growing at a rapid pace. From 2020 to 2022, it grew against the trend with an average annual growth rate of 10 percent. Starting this year, the mall has continuously set new records for single-day consumption.

The emphasis of its upgrade adjustment lies on one hand on the key categories that determine the overall positioning. On the other hand, it is about delving into the head brands in segmented fields, continuously introducing city-first stores and regional-first stores.

Shanghai MixC is focusing more on the quality of customers, striving for customer satisfaction and experience. This September, it will be introducing a one-stop maternity and baby center.

Starting from 2022, Shanghai Mixc has been hosting a "Sunday Pet Day" event every month. The objective of such activities is not direct sales promotion, but rather to emphasize and lead on regional lifestyle creation, strengthening emotional connections with the local residents.

In addition, Shanghai Mixc has joined hands with Aiqinhai Shopping Park, Korean Street, Ala Town and others to establish a business district community with the aim of making the Wuzhong Road business district a trend-setting social space.

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