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Divisions of Hongqiao International Central Business District Administrative Committee

LMS| Updated: July 28, 2023

Office (Financial Management Office)

The Financial Management Office is responsible for secretarial affairs, human resources, foreign affairs arrangements, news publicity, liaison and reception, internal management and other aspects.

Traffic Coordination Division

The Traffic Coordination Division is responsible for the overall development of regional transportation, the operation and coordination of integrated transportation hubs, and the comprehensive management of transportation and infrastructure.

Planning and Construction Division

The Planning and Construction Division is responsible for the compilation, overall planning, evaluation, review and other tasks for various regional plans, as well as the overall planning and coordination of the development and construction of various relevant subjects.

City Operation Management Division

The City Operation Management Division is responsible for the top-level design, standards unification and comprehensive coordination of the regional urban landscape, city appearance, municipal management and maintenance, as well as the coordination, overall planning, supervision and guidance of related work in the field of urban management.

Business Development Division

The Business Development Division is a functional department responsible for the exhibition and business development of the Hongqiao International CBD.

Industrial Development Division

The Industrial Development Division is responsible for regional industrial planning, industrial layout, functions and their coordination and the promotion of major industrial projects.

Policy Research Office

The Policy Research Office (Office of Law and Regulation) is responsible for organizing the drafting of relevant regional laws and regulations, compiling regional comprehensive economic development plans, undertaking major policy research and undertaking the examination of the legality of normative documents, administrative reconsiderations and administrative responses to lawsuits.

Investment Promotions Division

The Investment Promotions Division is responsible for investment promotions, the headquarters economy, business environment development and regional socio-economic statistics.

The Department for Party-related Affairs (Department for Discipline Inspections)

The Department for Party-related Affairs (Department for Discipline Inspections) is the specialized body responsible for implementing the Party building work and is the department responsible for supervision, discipline enforcement and accountability.

Emergency Response Center (Investment Promotions and Public Service Affairs Center)

The Emergency Response Center (Investment Promotions and Public Service Affairs Center) is responsible for the specific emergency work of the Hongqiao comprehensive transportation hub, such as emergency duties, the coordination and implementation of public service affairs and the coordination and promotion of investment promotions and trade exhibitions.

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