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Platforms launched to attract overseas talent

LMS| Updated: July 18, 2023

Two service bases for high-caliber overseas workers and alumni of prestigious overseas universities were unveiled in the Shanghai Hongqiao International Central Business District on July 16.

The two platforms will leverage Hongqiao's advantages to attract more overseas talent.

After the launch ceremony, a roundtable forum was attended by government officials and young scholars and entrepreneurs who graduated from famous schools such as University of California, Berkeley, Harvard University and Yale University.

The officials explained the local government's efforts to support the innovative development of talent from overseas, while the talents shared their views on innovation, business environment and difficulties faced by overseas talent when starting businesses.

The Hongqiao CBD has been endeavoring to attract high-caliber workers in response to Shanghai's strategic plan of becoming a talent hub.

Hongqiao Park, a national human resources industrial park that opened in early 2022, boasts 129 HR companies, including Manpower Group, CDP Group and Shanghai Foreign Service Group.

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