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Hongqiao-based robot company listed on Nasdaq

LMS| Updated: March 14, 2023

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Yuan Hui (M), founder and CEO of Xiao-i, the company's executive team, shareholders, and partners celebrate the company's listing on Nasdaq on March 9. [Photo/WeChat account: XiaoiRobot1]

Xiao-i, an artificial intelligence company based in the Jiading area of Shanghai Hongqiao International Central Business District, was listed on Nasdaq on March 9, with the stock code AIXI.

Founded in 2001, Xiao-i specializes in offering AI solutions in smart cities, software, and architect design.

The company has played a leading role in formulating the international standard of emotion AI computing and has nearly 300 patents.

Cognitive Intelligence AI is a smart platform that was independently developed by the company. It boasts six core technologies of natural language processing, voice processing, computer visual, learning, emotion computing, and super automation. 

Based on the platform, the company has developed multiple products and business format including "AI+finance", "AI+public services", "AI+architecture", "AI+metaverse", "AI+manufacturing", and "AI+medical treatment".

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