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Cultural exhibits highlight CIIE's international diversity

China Daily| Updated: November 10, 2022


The CIIE Culture Exhibition Hall demonstrates the five years of development of the annual China International Import Expo. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Activities to promote mutual understanding among people of different cultures

The cultural activities being held at the fifth China International Import Expo, presented by more than 30 cities and provinces on the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong of China, and Italy, promote mutual understanding among people from different countries and regions. They also pass on the best of traditional culture and ensure it develops in new and creative ways. Finally, they bolster cultural diversity.

Covering more than 32,000 square meters, the cultural exhibition boasts the National Pedestrian Street Exhibition Area, the Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Area, the Hongqiao International Urban Reception Room Exhibition Area, the Time-honored Chinese Brands Exhibition Area, Chinese and Foreign Culture Exhibition Area, the China Tourism Exhibition Area and the Commonweal Performance.

Hong Kong, celebrating the 25th anniversary of its return to the motherland this year, sets up an exhibition zone to showcase its achievements and developing progress in architecture field.

The booth is inspired by the skyline of Victoria Harbour, a deep water harbour, and combines common geometric elements into design. The inverted images of skyscrapers around Victoria Harbour are on display at the booth, which demonstrating Hong Kong's charm and beauty from a different view. Some exhibits created by Hong Kong artists and architects showcase the past, present and future trends of buildings in Hong Kong along with urban development trends. Apart from landmark buildings, changes in Hong Kong's streets and alleys are presented to form a vision of the city which is cherished by all.

Hong Kong took part in the cultural exchange activities for the first time in 2021. An array of intangible cultural heritage such as the bamboo-made theater, and the Cheung Chau Bun Festival were showcased at the fourth CIIE, and they welcomed by participants.

Zhejiang will also attend the cultural exchange activities for the fourth consecutive year in 2022. The booth design combines cultural elements of the Song Dynasty (960-1279), traditional elements in old buildings in southern regions of the Yangtze River and modern lightening art to showcase Zhejiang's unique beauty. There are also many intangible cultural heritage programs for visitors to experience.

This year, the Italian Trade Agency partnered with Vudafieri-Saverino Partners to create a pavilion inspired by a cathedral in Taranto of Italy designed by Giovanni Ponti. Arch, a typical Italian design element, was used in the pavilion to create unique experiences for visitors. The materials used in the pavilion are all locally produced and sustainable.

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