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Forum on Rural Revitalization and Sustainable Mountain Development

Updated: 2024-11-05(Yunnan University)


Forum on Rural Vitalization and Sustainable Mountain Development was held on Oct 25, 2024. The event was co-organized by Institute of International Rivers and Eco-Security of Yunnan University and the South and Southeast Asian University Network.

More than 20 experts and scholars from seven Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) countries, including China, India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, participated. Attendees represented 12 universities and research institutions, such as the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Yunnan University, COMSATS University Islamabad, Fareast International University, and Tribhuvan University.

The forum featured a round-table discussion moderated by TRUONG Huyen Chi, Secretary-lead of the Himalayan University Consortium. The discussion focused on three main topics: The Role of University Research and Education in Balancing Mountain Ecosystem Protection and Economic Development, Connecting University Research and Education with Society through Research-Based Practice, and Promoting Inter-Regional and International Cooperation in Research and Education for Sustainable Mountain Development.

Experts shared experiences in sustainable mountain development, discussing water resources, environmental issues, and community involvement in their respective countries. The discussions highlighted technological innovation, policy support, ecological protection, and cultural heritage, with particular attention to successful practices in addressing climate change, ecological conservation, and rural vitalization. Active participation and lively discussions characterized the forum.

During the event, participants jointly established the Sub-committee of Sustainable Mountain Development of the South and Southeast Asian University Network to further strengthen cross-regional collaboration.