
One-year waiting for green rice balls | Updated: March 29, 2018

Punch the bromes with a hammer to make the brome juice easily pour out. [Photo/WeChat account: Tcfbgw]

Speaking of spring's delicacies in Taicang, green rice balls is definitely the first thing that pops into the minds of the local residents.

Their glutinous mouthfeel and light green grass fragrance is just the taste of spring, indicating that the green rice balls can only be served in this particular season.

Such a seasonality makes the green rice balls more attractive.

Green color of Taicang's rice balls is given credit to brome, a kind of oatlike weed, which can only be obtained around China's Tomb-Sweeping Day (April 5).

Pour the brome juice into flour to knead it into dough. [Photo/WeChat account: Tcfbgw]

Granny Asima, an inheritor of Taicang's intangible cultural heritage, are the best in making green rice balls, and the following is her demonstration of how to make the sticky “fat ball”.

Punch the clean bromes with a hammer, and after hundreds of punches the weed would be softened, and then, squeeze the brome juice into a bowl.

Pour the brome juice into sieved flour and then knead the flour into a dough.

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