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WHDZ to award intellectual property


​The Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone recently introduced a series of incentives for intellectual property, with the highest award of 1 million yuan ($141,900).

State-level e-commerce center to settle in WHDZ


A delegation from the State-own China Co-op Group visited Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone on Aug 14.

Tickets to Military World Games ready for sale


The official ticketing website for the 7th Military World Games was launched Aug 8.

Intelligent greenhouse under construction in WHDZ


An intelligent glass greenhouse project is currently being built in Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone.

WHDZ gears up for innovative development


WHDZ produces millions of vehicles and air conditioners each year and is hailed as China’s automobile industrial hub.

IoT gas meters bring convenience in WHDZ


​Relying on the internet of things technology, smart gas meters have been installed in households in the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone.

WHDZ holds diving test event for Military World Games


A diving competition to test facilities for the 2019 Military World Games was held at the Wuhan Sports Center in the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone Aug 13.

Tusincere park gears up for innovative development in WHDZ


Construction on the Tusincere Wuhan Sci-tech Innovation Park is almost complete and inspection work is currently ongoing.

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