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Digital economy becomes new growth engine


The Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WEDZ) is currently constructing a more capable modern industrial system.

WEDZ CBZ sees impressive results in Q1


The Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WEDZ) Comprehensive Bonded Zone (CBZ) reported a growth rate of 80 percent in first-line imports and exports.

Business Park powerful engine for development of modern service sector


The Business Park in Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WEDZ) covers an area of 38 square kilometers, but has collected 78 percent of enterprises in the zone.

Hannan, a modern manufacturing hotspot


Hannan district has been transformed from an inhospitable place to a hotspot for the modern manufacturing sector.

Two 10b-yuan project focal points in industrial park


The General Aviation and Satellite Industrial Park in the Wuhan Economic & Development Zone (WEDZ) boasts two 10-billion-yuan ($1.57 billion) projects.

Lab equipment leader to build 1st municipal P3 lab


Wuhan Perfect Laboratory Equipment Co is a professional laboratory equipment supplier that ranks among the top five in terms of domestic market share.

Leaders on research visit to auto park industrial park


A group of officials launched a research visit to the Automobile and Auto Parts Industrial Park on March 8.

Port Logistics Park advances port-industry-city integration


The Port Logistics Park in Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WEDZ) has been focusing on the "10 major campaigns for economic development" put forward by the zone's working committee and is striving to achieve port-industry-city integration.

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