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WHDZ to hold cross-Straits intelligent auto industrial cooperation forum

en.whkfq.com.cn | Updated: 2021-10-28

A special meeting was held in the Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) on Oct 26, attended by Liu Ziqing, director of the zone's working committee, and Zhuang Guangming, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Hubei Provincial People's Government.

It was decided at the meeting that the zone will arrange a cross-Straits intelligent auto industrial cooperation forum during the 17th Taiwan Week Festival in Wuhan. The forum will reportedly promote a match-up of automobile sectors in Hubei and Taiwan, and involve more Taiwan businesspeople and enterprises in the province's economic and social development.

Zhuang said that the Taiwan Week Festival is a crucial platform for Hubei-Taiwan cooperation in economy, trade, technology, and culture.

According to Liu, Taiwan-funded enterprises have registered 8 billion yuan ($1.2 billion) in 2020, including auto spare parts, automobile and electronics, chemical engineering, and textiles.