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WHDZ sports industry promoted at world health expo

Updated: 2021-04-09

Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) has promoted its sports industry by setting up a sports and health pavilion at the third World Health Expo, which opened at Wuhan International Expo Center in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei province, on April 8, according to local media reports.

The four-day expo, with a total exhibition area of nearly 140,000 square meters, set up 12 professional exhibition areas with themes including international medical care, medical equipment and personal protective equipment, and attracted more than 1,400 exhibitors.

The WHDZ's sports and health pavilion is supported by WHDZ and organized by Wuhan Sports Center Development Co. It has an exhibition area of about 990 sq m.

The pavilion focuses on the sports industry and is composed of related event display areas, post-match project experience areas, VR aircraft experience areas, national fitness experience areas, and mass sports exhibition areas.

In recent years, the development zone has taken the opportunity of hosting top international sports events to enhance Wuhan city's international influence, accelerate the implementation of related projects, and promote industrial transformation and upgrading.

In the past five years, more than 300 projects have taken shape in WHDZ, with an investment of about 780 billion yuan ($118.95 billion).

In 2019, WHDZ was named a National Sports Industry Demonstration Base by the General Administration of Sport, becoming the second site in the province and the first in Wuhan to receive this honor.

Each year, the zone holds more than 40 top international and domestic competitions. The sports industry has driven nearly 20 billion yuan in revenue for related industries.