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China-Germany mobile travel summit held in WHDZ

en.whkfq.gov.cn | Updated: 2021-03-23

A China-Germany innovation summit on "mobile travel" was held in Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei province, on March 18, with the aim of giving WHDZ-based enterprises access to the innovative resources of the cutting-edge German mobile travel industry.

The event, jointly held by Plug and Play, WHDZ, and Dongfeng Motor Corporation, attracted wide participation from partners in the fields of mobile travel, science and technology parks, colleges and universities, and domestic and foreign investment institutions.

Five innovative German companies – including Kopernikus Automotive, a leading developer of automatic valet parking (AVP Type 2) technology, Swobbee, a mobile and sustainable energy network solution provider, and artificial intelligence city commuters Boreal Bikes – displayed their latest technologies and shared their experiences with WHDZ enterprises via an online meeting.

The excellent reputation held by German cars has been achieved due to the country's solid industrial foundation and mature automobile production system. Continuous technological innovation and a keen market sense will push it to the cutting edge of industrial development, leading the global automotive industry into a new era of intelligence and information use.

The German partner of Plug and Play, the Berlin Business Liaison Office in China, outlined German mobile travel innovation trends and the top mobile travel technology achievements and applications, and also laid the foundations for high-quality German mobile travel projects to open up the Chinese market.

Wuhan has a complete industrial foundation and intensive talent resources.

In 2020, with the support of WHDZ, Plug and Play China and Dongfeng Motor Corporation jointly developed the Plug and Play (Wuhan) Industrial Innovation Center.

The innovation center will give full play to the advantages of international innovation resources, serve the industrial innovation needs of WHDZ enterprises, and help Wuhan to accelerate the establishment of a national science and technology innovation center and an international exchange center.