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Development visions set for WHDZ

en.whkfq.gov.cn | Updated: 2021-03-11

Five-year goals have been set for Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei province, with regional GDP expected to hit 330 billion yuan ($50.69 billion) by 2025, according to local media reports.

There are further areas of common ground and common interests to discover. A "3+N" modern industrial system will be built up in WHDZ, with auto vehicles, new energy, and new materials as its three pillar industries. Financial institutions will play an indispensable role in attracting major businesses and investments, developing pillar industries, as well as prompting industrial upgrading.

The development zone is striving to achieve its goal of producing 2 million vehicles annually and its auto industry output value is expected to exceed 500 billion yuan by 2025.

Two pillar industries will be created in the fields of new energy and new materials, with an output value of 50 to 100 billion yuan.

WHDZ will focus on cultivating industrial clusters of smart homes and green buildings, promote the accelerated development of high-end equipment, general aviation, life and health and other characteristic emerging industries, and promote the rapid growth of strategic emerging industries.