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WHDZ rewards companies and entrepreneurs

Updated: 2019-04-15


The Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone holds a commendation conference on April 11, handing out awards to companies and entrepreneurs who have made significant contributions to the city's and zone's economic development. [Photo provided to wedz.gov.cn]

The Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei province, held a commendation conference on April 11, handing out awards to companies and entrepreneurs who make significant contributions to the city's and the zone's economic development.

Peng Hao, director of the zone's management committee, attended the meeting and presented the awards to the winners.

Nearly 100 companies and 100 entrepreneurs received awards, totaling 29.5 million yuan ($4.4 million).

Over the past year, the zone attracted 72.48 billion yuan in actual investment, a year-on-year growth of 15.7 percent, and actually used $1.91 billion of foreign investment, an increase of 30.3 percent.

Dongfeng Honda Automobile was honored for its contributions to the zone.

In 2018, Dongfeng Honda achieved 119.8 billion yuan in sales revenue and paid 12.98 billion yuan in taxes – contributing significantly to the city's and the zone's economic progress.

The company manufactured 740,000 vehicles over the past year and hopes to manufacture 752,000 this year, according to Zuo Shuguang, a director at Dongfeng Honda.

Dinglong Holdings received awards for its innovation capabilities and was honored among the top ten private companies in the zone due to its achievements in the material sector, as it played a major role in the development of the opto-electronics field.

Due to the efforts of companies and entrepreneurs, the zone has been able to succeed economically and has a promising future, said Peng.

Next, the zone will improve its business environment and services to support the growth of companies, Peng added.


Award recipients pose for a group photo during the commendation ceremony, April 11. [Photo provided to wedz.gov.cn]


Peng Hao speaks at the ceremony in the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone on April 11. [Photo provided to wedz.gov.cn]