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Energy conservation and environmental protection industries


Guiyang has expedited development of technologies and products that are energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.


Modern service industry--Cultural industry


Guiyang will deepen the reform of the cultural system and vigorously develop the commercial cultural industries.


Modern service industry--Emerging service industry


Guiyang will cultivate its emerging industries, including animation and community services, into a new economic growth point.


Modern service industry--Commercial service industry


Guiyang is making great efforts to develop its commercial services industry and make itself the modern commercial center of Guizhou province.


Modern service industry--Financial industry


Guiyang will give one-off financial subsidies to well-known domestic and foreign financial enterprises which set up branches and offices in the city.


Modern service industry--Conference and exhibition industry


Guiyang enjoys sound ecological environment, tourism resources and competitive industries, which lay sound foundations for the city's conference and exhibition industry.


Modern manufacturing industry


Guiyang, capital of southwest China's Guizhou province, has formed a system of equipment-manufacturing industries on a certain scale and technical level.


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