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Nuclear power exhibition hall launched in Zhanjiang

Updated: 2018-08-31

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The nuclear power popular science exhibition hall is named a Zhanjiang Popular Science Education Base by the local Municipal Association for Science and Technology. [Photo/WeChat account: ttybd2014]

A new exhibition hall opened on Aug 30 at the SNPTC Zhanjiang Nuclear Power Co Ltd in Chikan District, Zhanjiang, to offer locals a closer look at the workings of nuclear science.

With free access for the public, the exhibits aim to teach visitors about nuclear power and the benefits of clean energy.

The exhibition consists of four themed zones. 'The Nuclear Power Project in Lianjiang' showcases plans to wean the region off non-renewable energies that will establish the Lianjiang plant as one of Guangdong's major energy facilities.

Other zones focus on the 'SNPTC's Development in Guangdong', 'A Peak into Nuclear Power Plants' and 'The Development Prospects of China's Nuclear Power Industry.'


Visitors look at models of nuclear power plants displayed at the exhibit. [Photo/WeChat account: ttybd2014]

The SNPTC Zhanjiang Nuclear Power is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC). It manages the investment, development, construction and operation of SNPTC nuclear power projects in the province. 

The Zhanjiang Municipal Association for Technology and Science has designated the exhibition a Zhanjiang Popular Science Education Base. It joins an additional 27 other Popular Science Education Bases in the city which exist to increase scientific literacy in the community. 
