Impression Putuo, a live-action show created by renowned directors Zhang Yimou, Wang Chaoge, and Fan Yue will return to the stage at the Zhujiajian Scenic Spot in Zhoushan on June 26.
A night run will be held in Zhoushan on June 20, following an initial night run previously held on May 19. The run will start from the Zhoushan Stadium and runners will dress in fluorescent clothing and wave glowing ticks throughout the 7.8-kilometer route.
A grand sea sacrifice ceremony was held in Daishan county, Zhoushan, East China's Zhejiang province on June 16.
Zhoushan, a city in East China's Zhejiang province, launched a sports festival on June 13, according to local media reports.
Live streaming is becoming increasingly common as a way to promote products in Zhoushan, East China's Zhejiang province.
Zhoushan is set to be lit up by a sea of light sticks on the night of May 19.
It is never too late to pursue dreams, according to Zhao Dingshang, 63.
Submissions for the third Sanmao Prose Prize, a biennial literary award given in Dinghai district, Zhoushan, Zhejiang province, recently began being accepted.
Fish printing, an art form that involves painting fish on delicate rice paper, is popular in Zhoushan, an island city in Zhejiang province.
A festival showcasing Zhejiang culture was recently held in Dongsha Ancient Town in Zhoushan.
An English writing competition was recently held in Zhoushan, which invited foreigners, university students and English buffs to share their personal stories involving studying, working, living, and traveling in the city.
If you are inspired during your stay in Zhoushan, please be a part of "My Zhoushan Story" English Writing Competition.
The 2019 Daishan Haijia Half Marathon Competition is to take place on April 14 in Daishan county.
A promotional event for the Zhoushan Archipelago New Area was held in Shanghai on Jan 6.
A group of foreign exchange students in Zhoushan had great fun learning its distinctive folk customs.
The 4th Donghai Grand Canyon Trail Running Race was held in Dinghai district, Zhoushan on Dec 23.
A national academic conference on oceanology and limnology was held on Nov 22 in Zhoushan.
The 2018 Zhoushan Islands Marathon kicks off on Nov 18 in Putuo district, Zhoushan, Zhejiang province.