Introduction to the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

Updated: 2024-04-22 the CPPCC National Committee

Introduction to the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference



1. Nature and Role

2. History

3. Committees

4. Sectors

5. Members

6. Functions

7. Emblem

8. Appendices

Appendix 1 Chairpersons of the 1st - 14th CPPCC National Committees

Appendix 2 Leadership of the 14th CPPCC National Committee

Appendix 3 Structure of the 14th CPPCC National Committee


The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) represents a major achievement of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in integrating Marxist-Leninist theories on the united front, political parties, and democratic politics with the unique realities and fine traditional culture of China. Led by the CPC, it is a great initiative that brings together various political parties, prominent individuals without party affiliation, people’s organizations, and individuals from all ethnic groups and sectors of society to participate in the political system.

The Constitution of the People's Republic of China stipulates the long-term existence and development of the CPC-led system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation.

1. Nature and Role

The CPPCC is an organization of the Chinese people's patriotic united front. It is a key mechanism for multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC and fulfills a major role in the promotion of socialist democracy and the practice of whole-process people’s democracy in China. As an important channel and specialized body for socialist consultative democracy, it is a key component of the state governance system and a distinctively Chinese political institution. The two main purposes of the CPPCC are to strengthen unity and promote democracy.

The CPC-led system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation is one of China’s basic political systems and a socialist political party system with distinctive Chinese features. The CPPCC is an important political and organizational means for the implementation of this system. Based on the guiding principles of long-term coexistence, mutual oversight, sincerity, and the sharing of the rough and smooth between the CPC and other political parties and public figures without party affiliation, the CPPCC promotes unity and cooperation among its participating political parties and individuals without party affiliation. In doing so, it fully reflects and gives play to the distinctive features and strengths of our country’s new type of socialist political party system.

Consultative democracy is unique to China, giving our socialist democracy a distinctive advantage. The CPPCC is committed to the seamless integration of CPC leadership, the united front, and consultative democracy. To serve the central task of economic development and the overall interests of the country, it works to both promote democracy and unity and to offer proposals on state affairs while fostering consensus. As a specialized consultative body, it integrates consultative democracy into the entire process of fulfilling its functions. The CPPCC thus plays an indispensable role in promoting the extensive, multilevel, and institutionalized development of consultative democracy and in modernizing China's system and capacity for governance.

In the new era, the overall requirements for the work of the CPPCC are as follows:

● adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era;

● uphold the leadership of the CPC;

● implement the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the CPC and the Central Conference on CPPCC Work;

● acquire a deep understanding of the decisive significance of establishing both Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era;

● enhance consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership;

● increase confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics;

● and uphold both General Secretary Xi's core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the CPC Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership.

The CPPCC regards upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics as the goal of consolidating the common theoretical and political foundation, realizing the Second Centenary Goal as its main focus, and strengthening theoretical and political guidance and building extensive consensus as its central task. It is committed to the two major purposes of strengthening unity and promoting democracy and forges effective consensus by enhancing its capacity for political consultation, democratic oversight, and participation in the deliberation and administration of state affairs. It shoulders the political responsibility of carrying out the CPC Central Committee’s decisions as well as its requirements for the CPPCC and brings together the wisdom and strength of the Chinese people at home and abroad. It contributes to the endeavors to build China into a modern socialist country in all respects and advance national rejuvenation on all fronts.

2. History

The CPPCC is rooted in Chinese history and culture, emerging from the great struggles of the Chinese people's revolution, which began with the advent of modern times. It has evolved through the remarkable practices of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The CPPCC is quintessentially Chinese and serves as a crucial force for making China prosperous and strong, revitalizing the Chinese nation, and ensuring the well-being of its people. After its establishment, the CPPCC played a significant role in the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC), and it has been instrumental in the historical periods of socialist revolution, development, and reform.

On April 30, 1948, on the eve of final victory in the People's War of Liberation, the CPC issued the May 1st slogan, calling for "all the democratic parties, mass organizations, and community leaders to immediately convene a political consultative conference to discuss the convening of a conference of people's representatives and setting up of a democratic united government." This call was met with an enthusiastic response.

From September 21 to 30, 1949, the First Plenary Session of the CPPCC was convened. In his opening address to the session, Mao Zedong proudly proclaimed, “We are all convinced that our work will go down in the history of mankind, demonstrating that the Chinese people, comprising one quarter of humanity, have now stood up." The First Plenary Session of the CPPCC exercised the functions and powers of the future National People's Congress (NPC) and made thorough preparations for the founding of the PRC.

It adopted the Common Program of the CPPCC, which served as the provisional Constitution of China, the Organic Law of the CPPCC, and the Organic Law of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China. It also passed four important resolutions on the PRC's capital, national flag, national anthem and chronological system, and elected the CPPCC National Committee and the Central People's Government Council of the People's Republic. This marked the formal establishment of the CPPCC system.

After the founding of the PRC, the CPPCC made significant contributions to restoring and developing the national economy, consolidating the people's nascent political power, completing the socialist revolution, establishing the basic socialist system, and building socialism. After the NPC was inaugurated in 1954, the CPPCC continued to play an important role in the country's political and social affairs.

The CPPCC entered a new stage of development in 1978 when the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee was convened. The second generation of the Party’s central collective leadership, with Comrade Deng Xiaoping at the core, defined the tasks and nature of the CPPCC in the new period. It established the guiding principles of long-term coexistence, mutual oversight, sincerity, and the sharing of the rough times and the smooth between the CPC and other political parties and advocated for the inclusion of the CPPCC's nature and role in the Constitution.

The third generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core established CPC-led multiparty cooperation and political consultation as one of China's basic political systems. The Constitution was revised to stipulate the long-term existence and development of this system. In doing so, the CPC Central Committee further clarified the CPPCC's nature, purpose, and functions.

The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary issued the Guidelines on Strengthening the Work of the CPPCC along with other documents, which provided a theoretical and policy-based foundation and institutional guarantee for the CPPCC's development in the new period of the new century.

Since the CPC's 18th National Congress in 2012, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has attached great importance to the undertakings of the CPPCC, strengthened overall Party leadership over CPPCC work, and convened the Central Conference on CPPCC Work Marking the 70th Anniversary of the CPPCC.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important statements on CPPCC work, which have given shape to his important thinking on strengthening and improving this work. As an important component of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, these ideas chart the course and provide fundamental guidance for CPPCC work in the new era.

The CPC Central Committee has issued a series of important documents on CPPCC work: the Guidelines on Strengthening and Improving the Work of the CPPCC in the New Era, the Guidelines on Strengthening the Development of Consultative Democracy in the CPPCC, the Guidelines on Strengthening and Improving CPPCC Democratic Oversight, the Guidelines on Strengthening Party Building in the CPPCC for the New Era, and the Guidelines on Strengthening and Improving the Work of Municipal- and County-Level CPPCC Committees in the New Era. These important documents constitute a strong institutional guarantee for the development of the CPPCC's work in the new era.

The CPPCC upholds the overall leadership of CPC in its work, follows the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and remains true to its nature and role. It earnestly studies and implements General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on strengthening and improving CPPCC work. Focusing on advancing the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy, the CPPCC plays a major role in socialist consultative democracy, fulfilling its functions and responsibilities as a specialized consultative body. It works to both advance democracy and promote unity and strives to offer suggestions on state affairs while building consensus. It also promotes innovations in CPPCC theory, institutions, and work. The CPPCC calls on all its participating organizations and members to work toward accomplishing the Party's historic mission in the new era. Conducting consultations with a focus on the country's key tasks, it collects a wide range of opinions and seeks broad consensus to facilitate well-conceived decision-making by the CPC Central Committee and advance the implementation of its policies. In this way, the CPPCC has made important contributions toward achieving the Two Centenary Goals, building China into a modern socialist country in all respects, and realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

3. Committees

The CPPCC consists of a National Committee and local committees. The relationship between the National Committee and local committees, as well as that between a local committee and its lower-level committees, is one of guidance. The National Committee works to strengthen contact with local committees, to communicate on relevant matters, share experience, provide guidance, and conduct research on common issues. CPPCC committees at all levels operate under the leadership of the CPC committee at the corresponding level.

The term of each National Committee is five years. In exceptional circumstances, the term may be extended with the approval of a two-thirds majority vote of all the members of its Standing Committee. The National Committee has a Standing Committee, which is responsible for its day-to-day affairs. The Standing Committee is composed of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons, the Secretary General of the National Committee, and ordinary members.

The Chairperson of the National Committee presides over the work of the Standing Committee, with the assistance of the Vice-Chairpersons and the Secretary General. The Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons, and the Secretary General make up the Chairperson's Council, which attends to the important day-to-day affairs of the Standing Committee. Deputy Secretaries General are appointed by the National Committee to assist the Secretary General. There is also a general office, which comes under the leadership of the Secretary General.

The National Committee establishes special committees and other working bodies based on the requirement of its work. Special committees, operating under the leadership of the Standing Committee and its Chairperson's Council, play an important role in the functioning of the CPPCC. They serve as a crucial link for contacting members and a major support for the CPPCC's role as a specialized consultative body. They occupy a fundamental position in the CPPCC's work.

Provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government also have CPPCC committees. Where circumstances allow, autonomous prefectures, cities divided into districts, counties, autonomous counties, cities not divided into districts, and municipal districts are also permitted to establish such committees.

The composition of local committees is determined according to local circumstances with reference to the composition of the National Committee. Local committees of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government have general offices. Based on local circumstances and work requirements, they may also establish special committees and other working bodies. This at the discretion of their standing committees. Similarly, the local committees of autonomous prefectures, cities divided into districts, counties, autonomous counties, cities not divided into districts, and municipal districts set up working bodies according to local circumstances and work requirements at the discretion of their standing committees.

4. Sectors

A notable feature of the CPPCC is its composition by sector. The CPPCC National Committee is composed of representatives from the CPC, other political parties, individuals without party affiliation, people’s organizations, ethnic minority groups, compatriots in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and Taiwan, returned overseas Chinese, and other sectors of society, as well as specially invited individuals. To adapt to economic and social developments and internal structural changes in the united front, the CPPCC has adjusted and improved the way that the various sectors of society are categorized.

The 14th CPPCC National Committee consists of 34 sectors. These are the Communist Party of China, the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, the China Democratic League, the China National Democratic Construction Association, the China Association for Promoting Democracy, the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party, the China Zhi Gong Party, the Jiu San Society, the Taiwan Democratic Self-government League, prominent individuals without party affiliation, the Communist Youth League of China and the All-China Youth Federation, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the All-China Women's Federation, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the China Association for Science and Technology, the All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots, the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, literature and the arts, science and technology, the social sciences, economics, agriculture, education, sports, press and publications, medicine and health, friendship with foreign countries, welfare and social security, the environment and resources, ethnic minorities, religious bodies, specially invited figures from Hong Kong, specially invited figures from Macao, and other specially invited individuals.

5. Members

CPPCC members are the key participants in the CPPCC's work and are selected through extensive consultations within their respective circles. The admission of members to the National Committee must follow relevant procedures and is decided upon through consultation by the National Committee's Standing Committee. The admission of members to a local committee must also follow relevant procedures and is decided upon through consultation by the local committee's standing committee. Non-CPC members account for a substantial percentage of members at all levels, constituting no less than 60 percent of each newly established committee.

CPPCC members must love the motherland, uphold the leadership of the CPC and the socialist cause, and maintain ethnic solidarity and national unity. They must observe the Constitution and the law, keep state secrets, maintain integrity and self-discipline, and be representative and influential within their respective sectors. They must also possess the ability to participate in and deliberate state affairs.

They have the right to vote, participate in, and stand for election at their respective committee sessions. They have the right to voice opinions, criticisms, and suggestions concerning the work of the CPPCC. They also have the right to fully express their views and participate in discussions on major national policies and important local affairs at CPPCC meetings and organizations.

CPPCC members, as representatives of political parties, organizations, ethnic groups, and different sectors of society, must actively perform their duties in accordance with the CPPCC Charter. They are required to assume greater political responsibilities, have a full knowledge of the CPPCC and its role, be adept at consultation and deliberation, observe discipline, abide by the rules, and act with integrity. They must also develop their ability to perform their duties, cultivate their moral character, and actively participate in, implement, and promote the CPPCC system. This includes actively participating in CPPCC meetings and activities, complying with resolutions passed at CPPCC meetings, and playing an exemplary role in their own jobs as well as a representative role within their respective sectors. Additionally, they should effectively reach out to, serve, unite, and guide their respective sectors.

The CPPCC works to strengthen contact with CPPCC members. Members are encouraged to engage deeply with the people and their communities, solicit people's opinions and suggestions, communicate the principles and policies of the Party and the state, and assist in resolving misunderstandings and misgivings, allaying grievances, addressing problems, and promoting unity.

The democratic rights of CPPCC members are respected and guaranteed. Efforts are made to improve study, training, services and management for members, to reinforce disciplinary restraints, and to provide the conditions and guarantees necessary for members to fulfill their duties.

6. Functions

The main functions of the National Committee and local committees are political consultation, democratic oversight, and participation in and deliberation of state affairs. Strengthening theoretical and political guidance and building extensive consensus are also integral parts of all CPPCC work.

Political consultation involves discussing major national principles and policies, important local government measures, and major issues concerning economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological advancement. Such consultation is carried out before decisions are made and during their implementation.

Based on proposals by the CPC, the standing committees of people's congresses, people's governments, other political parties, and people's organizations, the National Committee and local committees may convene meetings attended by the leaders of political parties and people’s organizations and representatives of ethnic groups and different social sectors to engage in consultation. Additionally, committees may recommend that the above mentioned organizations submit pertinent and important issues for consultation.

Democratic oversight refers to consultative oversight that involves issuing comments, criticisms, or suggestions regarding the enforcement of the Constitution, laws, and regulations; the implementation of major principles, policies, reform measures, and decisions; circumstances concerning the resolution of practical problems of immediate concern to the people; and the work of state organs and their employees.

Participation in and deliberation of state affairs involves conducting studies and surveys on important political, economic, cultural, social, ecological and environmental issues as well as matters of public concern. It also includes reporting on social conditions and public sentiment and engaging in consultation and discussion. Comments and suggestions are made to CPC and state organs through research reports, proposals, recommendations, and other forms.

Adapting to the new mission in the new era, the CPPCC has endeavored to foster stronger consensus while striving to enhance the level of political consultation, democratic oversight, and participation in the deliberation and administration of state affairs. The notion of consensus-building holds rich connotations. In consultation, consensus-building refers to the acceptance of the Party's propositions by other political parties and organizations and by figures from all ethnic groups and sectors of society. It also refers to the CPC's incorporation of opinions and suggestions from other participants into the Party's and the state's major policies.

Within the united front and the CPPCC, consensus-building is about making common goals a source of momentum and a guide for action. When reaching out to society, it is about effectively publicizing and explaining the Party's principles and policies.

In consultation, consensus-building means using reasoning and persuasion to foster trust and dispel doubts among people within each sector. It also means allaying grievances, addressing problems, and overcoming extreme positions through different approaches on different occasions.

The CPPCC is striving to become an important platform for upholding and strengthening the Party's leadership, for uniting and guiding representatives from all sectors of society and ethnic groups with the Party's innovative theories, and for resolving differences and conflicts while building consensus based on shared political ideals.

7. Emblem

The emblem of the CPPCC consists of a five-pointed star, a gear and ears of wheat, four red flags and ribbons, a map of China and the Earth, as well as the Chinese characters "1949" and "Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference."

The five-pointed star represents the leadership of the CPC; the gear and ears of wheat symbolize the worker-farmer alliance as the foundation; the red flags and ribbons signify the great unity and solidarity of all parties, organizations, ethnic groups, and social strata; the map of China and the Earth represents the unity of all Chinese people, including those in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese; and "1949" and "Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference" denote the founding year and name, respectively.


Appendix 1 Chairpersons of the 1st–14th CPPCC National Committees

Mao Zedong

Chairman of the 1st CPPCC National Committee (Oct. 1949–Dec. 1954)

Zhou Enlai

Chairman of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th CPPCC National Committees (Dec. 1954–Feb. 1978)

Deng Xiaoping

Chairman of the 5th CPPCC National Committee (Feb. 1978–Jun. 1983)

Deng Yingchao

Chairwoman of the 6th CPPCC National Committee (Jun. 1983–Mar. 1988)

Li Xiannian

Chairman of the 7th CPPCC National Committee (Mar. 1988–Mar. 1993)

Li Ruihuan

Chairman of the 8th and 9th CPPCC National Committees (Mar. 1993–Mar. 1998, Mar. 1998–Mar. 2003)

Jia Qinglin

Chairman of the 10th and 11th CPPCC National Committees (Mar. 2003–Mar. 2008, Mar. 2008–Mar. 2013)

Yu Zhengsheng

Chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee (Mar. 2013–Mar. 2018)

Wang Yang

Chairman of the 13th CPPCC National Committee (Mar. 2018–Mar. 2023)

Wang Huning

Chairman of the 14th CPPCC National Committee (Mar. 2023–present)


Appendix 2 Leadership of the 14th CPPCC National Committee


Wang Huning



Shi Taifeng     Hu Chunhua          Shen Yueyue   Wang Yong

Zhou Qiang    Pagbalha Geleg Namgyai   Ho Hau Wah   Leung Chun-ying

Bater         Su Hui               Shao Hong     Gao Yunlong

Chen Wu      Mu Hong              Xian Hui       Wang Dongfeng

Jiang Xinzhi   Jiang Zuojun           He Baoxiang    Wang Guangqian

Qin Boyong    Zhu Yongxin           Yang Zhen



Wang Dongfeng (concurrent)


Appendix 3 Structure of the 14th CPPCC National Committee


CPPCC National Committee


General Office


Committee on Proposals


Committee on Economic Affairs


Committee on Agriculture and Rural Areas


Committee on Population, Resources and Environment


Committee on Education, Science, Health and Sports


Committee on Social and Legal Affairs


Committee on Ethnic and Religious Affairs


Committee on Liaison with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese


Committee on Foreign Affairs


Committee on Culture, Historical Data and Studies


Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Commission of Supervision stationed at the CPPCC National Committee


Research Office


Theory Bureau 


Information Bureau




Office of the Committee on Proposals 


Office of the Committee on Economic Affairs


Office of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Areas


Office of the Committee on Population, Resources and Environment


Office of the Committee on Education, Science, Health and Sports


Office of the Committee on Social and Legal Affairs


Office of the Committee on Ethnic and Religious Affairs


Office of the Committee on Liaison with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese


Office of the Committee on Foreign Affairs


Office of the Committee on Culture, Historical Data and Studies


Liaison Bureau


Press Bureau


Foreign Affairs Bureau


Personnel Bureau


Administration Bureau


CPC Committee of the CPPCC National Committee


Retiree Affairs Bureau


Journal of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference


China Culture and History Publishing House


CPPCC Journal Press


China CPPCC Hall of Literature and History


Information Center


Cadre Training Center


Administrative Service Center


Secretariat of the China Economic and Social Council


Secretariat of the China Committee on Religion and Peace


Secretariat of the China CPPCC Theory Research Association









Copyright © 2025 The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
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