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BSC visits Zunyi, meets local science and technology association
The Biophysical Society of China (BSC) went to Guizhou Province on March 27 to conduct a research seminar with the Zunyi Association for Science and Technology.
Party branch of BSC watches opening ceremony of CAST's Party school
The China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) organized an educational campaign on Party history and the 2021 opening ceremony of its Party school on March 15.
BSC members' achievements rank among China's top 10 scientific advances in 2020
China's Top 10 Scientific Advances in 2020 were announced by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) on Feb 27.
The 6th Chinese Workshop for Structural Biologists is about to open
The sixth Chinese Workshop for Structural Biologists, part of the workshop series of the Chinese 3DEM community, will kick off in 2021.
BR editorial board holds 5th meeting in Beijing
The fifth domestic editorial board meeting of the journal Biophysics Reports was held on Feb 4 at the Institute of Biophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
BSC helps two scientific achievements be listed as 2020 top 10 advances in life sciences
The China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) on January 13 released the country's 10 most significant advances in 2020 in the field of life sciences, highlighting food security and the COVID-19 epidemic.