政府停摆 government shutdown
Both chambers of the US Congress convened for only a few minutes late on Thursday but took no steps to end a partial federal government shutdown before adjourning until next week.
保健品 health product
A post widely circulated on the social media has put the Tianjin-based Quanjian Group, a health product company, in the center of a storm of public criticism, as it exposes that the group's "secret anti-cancer recipe" medicine led to the death of a cancer patient in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region three years ago.
全球服务 global services
China's Beidou Navigation Satellite System has started providing global services, the program's head said on Thursday.
社会净财富 social net wealth
By the end of 2016, China's social net wealth totaled 437 trillion yuan, ranking second in the world, according to China's National Balance Sheet 2018, a report released by the National Institution for Finance & Development.
航天发射 space launch
Stats show the number of space launches from China this year has hit 37, making China the top destination in the world for space launches for the first time. This follows a launch on December 25, 2018 of a telecommunication satellite.
Negative list for market access 市场准入负面清单
China took further steps in opening up its market to domestic and overseas investors Tuesday by announcing a negative list for market access (2018 version), an institutional innovation to be applied across the country.
Personal income tax app 个人所得税app
A new personal income tax app, developed by the State Administration of Taxation, will be up and running next week to help taxpayers receive additional deductions, officials said.
Fuxing trains 复兴号动车组
Three new types of domestically developed Fuxing trains designed with varying top speeds made their debut on Monday, which experts said will offer more choices to potential overseas customers.