Dule Temple

Dule Temple


​Dule Temple is a Buddhist temple located in Jizhou district, Tianjin.

Panshan Mountain

Panshan Mountain


Panshan Mountain, known as Panlong Mountain and Sizheng Mountain in ancient times, is located 12 kilometers northwest of Jizhou district, Tianjin.

Gongshuizi Temple

Gongshuizi Temple


Gongshuizi Temple, also known as Luban Temple, is located on the east side of Gulou North Street in Jizhou district.

Great Wall in Jizhou district

Great Wall in Jizhou district


The section of the Great Wall in Jizhou district, Tianjin is located in the northern mountainous area with a total length of 41 kilometers.

Drum Tower

Drum Tower


The Drum Tower is located on the north side of the Cross Street in the center of the old town of Jizhou district.

Dule Temple Pagoda


The Dule Temple Pagoda, also known as the White Pagoda and the Yuyangjun Pagoda, is located 380 meters south of Dule Temple and is part of the temple’s overall structure.

Former Residence of Yu Fangzhou

Former Residence of Yu Fangzhou


​The former residence of Yu Fangzhou (1900-1927) is located at the village of Biaokouzhen in Lutai township, Ninghe district of Tianjin.

Yijuyong Baijiu Distillery Museum

Yijuyong Baijiu Distillery Museum


​The museum is a national 3A-level scenic spot built by Tianjin Foodstuff Import & Export Corporation and Tianjin Yijuyong White Liquor Co., Ltd. to review the history of Tianjin's oldest producer of baijiu, or white liquor.

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