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Fujian streamlines business plan to boost market

By Hu Meidong| chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: April 26, 2021 L M S


An aerial view of Xiamen in East China's Fujian province. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Fujian issued an implementation plan recently to optimize its business environment and invigorate the market.

The plan consisted of general requirements, main tasks and safeguarding measures. It had six aspects, including improving the level of investment service, lowering the threshold of market access and entrepreneurship and simplifying the approval procedures of enterprises.

The implementation plan sorted out problems in the business environment of Fujian, with the aim of breaking barriers. The effective practice of serving enterprises in Fujian during the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control was further promoted in the plan, which included identifying business locations for mobile vendors and sharing workers between factories.

The plan also focused on exchanges and cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan, canceling the restrictions on Taiwan-funded construction that required Taiwan investment to exceed 50 percent. Another measure improves the recognition of nine types of professional qualifications in Taiwan, including doctors and guides. It was designed in part to protect the well-being of Taiwan compatriots.

Sun Siyan in Beijing contributed to this story.

Why Xiamen

  • About Xiamen

    Xiamen is one of the most economically competitive cities in China and was one of the first Special Economic Zones on the Chinese mainland. As a vice-provincial city independently listed on the State development plan, it has provincial-level authority in economic administration and local legislative power. In 2010, the Xiamen SEZ was expanded to cover the entire municipality. Today, Xiamen is a modern and international port city.

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