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Overview of Xiamen

xmtdc.gov.cn| Updated: March 17, 2021 L M S


As a beautiful seaside city located on the southeast coast of China, Xiamen faces Kinmen Islands and lies opposite Taiwan and the Penghu Islands across the Taiwan Straits. Legend has it that white egrets inhabited this area in ancient times, hence its name Egret Island. Its annual average temperature is around 20°C, without extremes of heat or cold. 

With a land area of 1,699.01 square kilometers and a sea area of 333 square kilometers, Xiamen administers six districts, namely Siming, Huli, Jimei, Haicang, Tong'an and Xiang'an. Southern Fukinese is the predominant local dialect among the city's 5.32 million permanent residents.

Xiamen is one of the most competitive cities in China and one of the first Special Economic Zones on the mainland. As a vice-provincial city independently listed on the state development planning, it is granted provincial-level authority on economic administration and local legislative power. In 2010, Xiamen SEZ was expanded to cover the whole municipality. Now it has already become a modern and international port city featuring beautiful scenery.

In 2023, Xiamen's GDP increased by 3.1 percent year-on-year to 806.65 billion yuan ($112.07 billion)

Specifically, the added value of the city's primary industry was 2.77 billion yuan, while the added value of the secondary and tertiary industries were 286.79 billion yuan and 517.08 billion yuan, respectively, accounting for 35.6 percent and 64.1 percent of the GDP in 2023.

Known as one of the most livable cities in China, Xiamen has been awarded numerous national and international honors, such as National City of Excellence in Social Ethics, International Nations in Bloom, UN-Habitat Scroll of Honor Awards, National Sanitary City, National Garden City, National Model City for Environment Protection, China Excellent Tourist City, China Top Ten Livable Cities, etc.

It is also one of the top 10 tourist destinations and one of the most frequently visited international cruise terminals in China. Major tourist attractions in the city include Gulangyu Island, Wanshi Botanic Garden, Island Ring Road, Nanputuo Buddhist Temple, Horticulture Expo Garden, Jimei School Village, Dadeng Islands, Haicang Bridge and Huoshaoyu Ecological Park.

Major Economic Indicators of Xiamen in 2023


updated on June 12, 2024

Why Xiamen

  • http://subsites.chinadaily.com.cn/swjen/2021-03/17/c_540483.htm
  • http://subsites.chinadaily.com.cn/swjen/2024-03/21/c_972989.htm