China cracks down on exam cheating with harsher penalties

(      Updated : 2024-06-08

The Supreme People's Court (SPC) has highlighted its tough stance against exam cheating, emphasizing its efforts to create a fair testing environment.

The SPC released data on Wednesday showing a crackdown on cheating since a 2015 amendment to the Criminal Law. From November 2015 to April 2024, over 11,000 people faced penalties for organizing cheating, selling test answers, or taking exams for others.

This data coincides with the upcoming national college entrance exam, the gaokao, held this year from June 7 to 10. The court aims to "show our strong judicial efforts against those who disturb the order of exams and undermine fairness," according to a statement.

The court also detailed five cases where individuals received criminal punishment for cheating. These included a teacher sentenced to four years in prison for organizing a cheating ring in the 2020 gaokao.

"The gaokao is a crucial exam for talent selection," the court emphasized. "Cheating is a serious threat to educational fairness and social integrity, and it will be severely punished."

The statement further stressed harsher penalties for educators involved in cheating. The court highlighted the growing sophistication of cheating schemes, facilitated by advancements in communication technology. It pledged to crack down on the entire cheating chain, targeting those who provide technology platforms, sell cheating tools, or illegally obtain test papers.