Madagascar Making Efforts in Judicial-related Innovation, Technology Improvement

(      Updated : 2019-12-08

According to Andriamanakiandrianana Rajaona, first president of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Madagascar, speaking at the World Forum on Rule of Law in Internet on Dec 5 in Wuzhen, East China's Zhejiang province, Madagascar still faces obstacles of innovation and technology for better online court mechanisms. He said that proper laws and regulations should be the basis of the operation of a court and references for judges. He added that online courts should be an option instead of the only way for all parties to deal with cases. On the one hand, they improve trial efficiency, for example by enabling quick dissemination of judgments; on the other hand, Rajaona proposed some limits of online judgments. For example, the public's awareness of a judgment can reflect justice to some extent, but it can be difficult to be sure that people know about the final judgment delivered online. However, he expressed his confidence that Madagascar can work out these limitations. [Photo/Supreme People's Court]
