SPC president Zhou Qiang meets Portuguese attorney general

Zhou Qiang, president of China’s top court, met with Attorney General Joana Marques Vidal of Portugal on April 21, 2016 in Beijing.
Zhou reviewed the two countries’ cooperation and coordination in the judicial field since 2005, when a comprehensive strategic partnership was established between them.
He reviewed the improvement of China’s criminal trials and judicial reform, adding that the construction of an open, dynamic, transparent and people-friendly legal system is underway.
Facing a new environment, judicial institutions all over the world are confronted with thorny issues and problems, said Zhou, stressing that learning from the legal experience of other countries has become ever more important in legal reform.
Zhou hoped that China and Portugal will promote cooperation in law enforcement, especially in cyber crime, financial crime and cross-border crime.
Vidal echoed Zhou as she introduced Portuguese legal reforms and expressed her desire for closer legal cooperation between the two countries.