Village head endeavors to turn farmers' dreams into reality

Updated: 2024-08-21

Li Liancheng, a 73-year-old deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC) and Party chief of Xixinzhuang village in Puyang county in Central China's Henan province, shows a humble yet determined spirit when talking about his quest for rural development. Behind this is his deep-rooted passion for his community.


Li Liancheng, a deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC) and Party chief of Xixinzhuang village in Puyang county in Central China's Henan province, attends the second session of the 14th NPC in March 2024. [Photo provided to]

For over 30 years, Li has been a dedicated village head, leading Xixinzhuang out of poverty and into a reality where the lives of its residents mirror those of urban dwellers.

The past two decades when he serves as an NPC deputy have seen him champion rural vitalization, offering valuable insights and recommendations for the betterment of rural areas.

In 2019, when he attended the annual session of the NPC, Li brought the dreams of farmers to the spotlight, presenting them to Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.

"In the early days of reform and opening-up, the dream of farmers was to have enough food and clothing. Forty years later, farmers have developed a second dream, which is to provide their children with access to good education. Their third dream is to have access to quality medical care and the fourth dream is to see their village urbanized and they can find employment in the neighborhood. For their fifth and sixth dreams, farmers expect to have high-quality public cultural services and have a clean and tidy living environment in the village. They also aspired to escape poverty and achieve prosperity, and want to see national territorial sovereignty well safeguarded," Li told Xi at a meeting during the session.

These eight dreams of farmers resonate with millions of rural residents and serve as a guiding light for the unwavering efforts of the CPC.

The transformation of Xixinzhuang village stands as a testament to the realization of these dreams.

The dream of good healthcare facilities has been materialized through the inauguration of a community hospital with over 500 beds, providing accessible medical services to tens of thousands of residents in nearby towns and villages.

The dream of employment came to life as various food processing enterprises set up plants in Xixinzhuang's food industrial park, offering employment opportunities at farmers' doorsteps.

As the village is now teeming with nature's beauty, with harmonious neighborhoods and residents striving for a better life, the dream for a favorable environment also blossomed in the village.

Speaking of all these changes, Li's face lights up and his wrinkles turn into smiles, saying that the transformation is not just about Puyang or Henan but about all of China.


Li Liancheng checks on the growth of tomatoes. Currently, Xixinzhuang village has more than 20 enterprises of various categories, providing employment for approximately 3,000 people, with a total output value of 520 million yuan ($72.3 million). [Photo provided to]

Xixinzhuang now hosts over 20 enterprises of various categories, achieving industrial diversification and upgrading towards high-end and intelligent industries. With a workforce of approximately 3,000 individuals and a total output value of 520 million yuan ($72.3 million), the village stands as a beacon of success in rural development.

Looking ahead, Li exudes even greater confidence than 30 years ago, buoyed by the realization of the eight dreams of farmers and the new dream of technological advancement in rural areas.

When submitting proposals to NPC sessions, he has called for more technological support for rural areas and closely linking technology, professionals and the practical technological needs of rural vitalization to enhance the effective supply of agricultural technology.

When it comes to introducing technology to rural areas, it is crucial to select appropriate course content tailored to the needs of farmers, according to Li. Moreover, choosing competent instructors who can deliver lessons in understandable language is essential, he said, calling for an influx of tech experts to empower rural communities with knowledge and skills.

Amid the nationwide push for high-quality development and the surge in developing new quality productive forces, high-tech enterprises have taken root in Xixinzhuang. Various smart agriculture and eco-friendly technology companies have set up operations here.

Since the conclusion of this year's NPC session, Li has been busy working to promote technological application in rural areas.

"Accelerating comprehensive rural vitalization and the modernization of agriculture and rural areas is fundamental to comprehensively advance Chinese modernization. It is also the greatest aspiration of farmers," he said.


Li Liancheng (second from the left) has a chat with his fellow villagers. Under his leadership, Xixinzhuang village has been transformed from a poor and backward remote village into a thriving community. [Photo provided to]

Xu Hang contributed to this story.

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