NPC deputy propels village into prosperity

Updated: 2024-07-30


Zhang Dianzhuang, Party secretary of Beiyuantuan village in Qufu city, East China's Shandong province, and a deputy to the National People's Congress  [Photo provided to]

Once neglected and impoverished, Beiyuantuan, a village in Qufu city in East China's Shandong province, now stands out as a prosperous and harmonious rural community.

Behind this positive transformation over the past two decades is the unwavering commitment of village head Zhang Dianzhuang to prioritizing the interests of the villagers.

To improve the village environment, he gathered opinions of the villagers, led a team to learn about village construction in other places, and sought expert assistance in designing and planning. Thanks to the joint efforts of Zhang and other Party members, the infrastructure and living conditions in the village has been remarkably upgraded.

Zhang, Party chief of the village, is well known by his fellow villagers as a "go-getter". He believes that just improving the looks of the village and motivating officials to work diligently is not enough, the key to real change lies in increasing villagers' incomes

Through his efforts, the cultivation and production of honeysuckle (jin yin hua) have become a significant source of collective income for the village. This initiative has not only increased villagers' earnings, but has also nurtured a new generation of skilled and entrepreneurial farmers.

In addition to the honeysuckle project, Zhang has also spearheaded the integration of land resources in the village to develop a featured flower project. With a total investment of 120 million yuan ($16.4 million), this project includes the construction of 80 large greenhouses for fresh-cut flowers, 10 temperature-controlled storage facilities, and three flower sorting and packaging workshops. By planting a variety of high-value flowers, such as gerbera jamesonii, roses, and tulips, the project can generate an annual income of around 20 million yuan.

Utilizing advanced smart equipment, the project employs a 5G digital management platform to guide agricultural production, spearheading the digitalization of modern agriculture.

Witnessing the positive impact of these initiatives on the villagers' livelihoods, Zhang is now planning to collaborate with a local flower company to establish a flower technology research and development base. Through cooperation with neighboring towns, he aims to turn Beiyuantuan village into a leader for the growth of the regional agricultural economy, ensuring a brighter future for residents.

In addition to developing the economy, he also attaches great importance to cultural-ethical progress in the village. He fully tapped into traditional Chinese culture, built a nursing home for the elderly, and advanced the compilation of the village's history, creating a harmonious village atmosphere.

As a grassroots deputy to the National People's Congress, he has translated the voices of the people into tangible actions, leading them towards prosperity through hard work and dedication.

This year, in his second year as a deputy, he put forward the suggestion that the Qufu People's Procuratorate will play a more active role in guaranteeing the basic rights and interests of farmers, ensuring food security and serving the development of rural enterprises, to lay a solid legal foundation for accelerating the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.

Zhang, a humble farmer and a dedicated Party member, embodies a vision for progress and development. His actions have brought blessings to the local community, demonstrating that true fulfillment comes from making a difference and taking responsibility. For him, the ultimate goal is to achieve comprehensive vitalization in Beiyuantuan, fulfilling the aspirations of the villagers for a better life.


Zhang Dianzhuang, Party secretary of Beiyuantuan village in Qufu city,East China's Shandong province, and a deputy to the National People's Congress, chats with vegetable growers in his village.[Photo provided to]

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