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Smart system boosts green development in Yangkou Port

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: March 14, 2024 L M S


The "Smart Yangkou Port" Big Data Monitoring Center. [Photo/WeChat account of Yangkou Port]

"Smart Yangkou Port" is a tool for the comprehensive management of safety, environmental protection, and emergency response in the Yangkou Chemical Industrial Park.

The platform collects various data, enabling real-time monitoring of air and water quality and the pollution emissions of enterprises. It has played a vital role in improving the environment and promoting green and high-quality development in the park.

To ensure the real-time monitoring of air quality, multiple detection devices have been installed. In 2023, through the platform's monitoring and systematic analysis, major sources of pollution were identified, leading to targeted rectification efforts and a subsequent decrease in volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations in the park.

Ten stations have been established to monitor the water quality of rivers. The "Smart Yangkou Port" platform submits weekly and monthly reports based on data feedback from monitoring devices. Prompt measures are then taken to address issues, ensuring that water quality standards are met throughout the year.

Looking ahead, environmental protection departments will continue to make full use of the platform, aiming to further improve the environment and green development within the park.

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