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Yangkou Port team skillfully manages seaweed crisis to free LNG ship


Updated: 2024-05-16

On May 10, Cyprus-flagged liquefied natural gas vessel Grand Aniva faced a challenge as its sea chest was blocked by seaweed, threatening engine operations and blocking the channel.

Under the guidance of two senior pilots at Nantong Port, and through the collaborative efforts of four tugboats and the ship's crew, the vessel was safely moved from PetroChina Jiangsu LNG Terminal at Yangkou Port to the outer anchorage. Simultaneously, the Marshall Islands-flagged LNG ship Al Samriya berthed on schedule.

Aniva berthed at PetroChina Jiangsu LNG Terminal on May 6, with plans to depart on May 7. However, seaweed obstructed the vessel's sea chests at night, causing malfunctions in the cooling water system and disruption to unloading equipment. Despite dispatching divers from Shanghai to clear the blockage, the turbulent sea currents limited their operational window, yielding minimal results after two days of efforts and proving barely enough to ensure that LNG could continue to be unloaded according to schedule.

With the vessel unable to leave the port and subsequent vessels unable to berth and unload as scheduled, the port's production plans were affected. On May 9, Nantong Port, in collaboration with maritime, port, tugboat, and other relevant departments, formulated multiple emergency response plans. It was decided to move the vessel to the outer anchorage at Yangkou Port to await clearance, ensuring timely berthing and unloading of the next LNG vessel.

The successful handling of the emergency incident prevented significant economic losses and garnered high praise from the shipowner and cargo owner.