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70 paintings, calligraphy works from Nantong on display in Lhasa

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2023-10-16


People appreciate the artworks from Nantong on display at the Tibet Museum of Natural Science in Lhasa. [Photo/Nantong Daily]

Seventy paintings and calligraphy works by 70 artists from Nantong in East China's Jiangsu province were showcased at the Tibet Museum of Natural Science in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, on Oct 12.


An artist creates a calligraphy work at the Tibet Museum of Natural Science in Lhasa. [Photo/Nantong Daily]

It is the first time that Nantong artworks have been showcased in the thousand-year-old city.

Nantong artists also presented paintings and calligraphy works to the museum as a gift and artists from two cities created paintings calligraphy works on site at the exhibition to showcase the attractiveness of traditional Chinese culture.


Artists from Nantong and Lhasa paint at the Tibet Museum of Natural Science in Lhasa. [Photo/Nantong Daily]

To further enhance the cultural and artistic exchanges and cooperation between Nantong and Lhasa, the federation of literary and art circles in the two cities inked a memorandum on the same day.
