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Rudong enterprise pioneers green transformation through clean production solutions


Updated: 2023-07-21

Jiangsu Jiujiujiu Technology Co Ltd in Rudong county, Nantong, Jiangsu province has made great strides in green development, achieving a balance between business operations and environmental protection.

Last year, the company invested 4.95 million yuan ($689,655) to upgrade its ethanol and lithium salt workshops, implementing 15 clean production schemes.

"With the high production load in the lithium salt workshop, there was significant consumption of liquid nitrogen, as well as  heavy use of chilled brine water and refrigeration ice machines. To address these issues, the company proposed a solution to utilize the cold energy from liquid nitrogen to refrigerate the brine water," explained Shi Yawei, the company's environmental director.

By installing three heat exchangers, this solution allows the liquefied nitrogen's cold energy to be used in refrigerating the brine water, reducing the load on the refrigeration ice machines and saving on steam. This initiative saves 1.26 million yuan per year.

According to Shi, these 15 clean production schemes will save 1.67 million kilowatt-hours and 909 metric tons of steam per year, providing an economic benefit of 1.958 million yuan per year.


Jiangsu Jiujiujiu Technology Co Ltd. [Photo/WeChat account: rudongfb]