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Wild elk herd first spotted in Xiaoyangkou Resort


Updated: 2023-03-06

A herd of more than 30 wild elks was recently spotted in the coastal wetlands in Xiaoyangkou Resort in Rudong, a county-level city in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, local media reported.

This is the first time a herd of wild elks has been sighted in the resort, according to local authorities.

The elk is a rare and endemic species in China as well as a first-class state-protected animal. They usually feed on grass and water plants and prefer to live near warm and humid places such as swamps and wetlands.

The appearance of the wild elk herd in Rudong is largely due to the county's efforts to improve the ecological environment and biodiversity in the area.

Due to the improved environment, the number of rare species in the county has grown steadily in the past two years.

For example, local ecological authorities spotted 54 bird species in the county, including eight rare species, this January.


A herd of wild elks is spotted in Rudong, a county-level city in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province. [Photo/Nantong Daily]