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Nantong mayor meets with Consul General of Denmark in Shanghai

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2023-02-16


Representatives from Denmark-based Nim Tech and Shanghai-based Zhongxun Tech ink a cooperation agreement. [Photo/Nantong Daily]

Wu Xinming, mayor of Nantong in East China's Jiangsu province, recently met with Mikael Hemniti Winther, Consul General of Denmark in Shanghai, to discuss further cooperation.

Wu explained Nantong's development in recent years, saying that Nantong is hoping for a new round of rapid development as it now boasts closer relations with southern Jiangsu and Shanghai.

He noted that in recent years, the city's shipbuilding and marine equipment manufacturing industries have experienced robust development at a scale exceeding 150 billion yuan ($21.89 billion) in 2022.

Denmark is renowned for its shipbuilding and marine equipment manufacturing industries, added the mayor.

He expressed hope that both sides will conduct broader cooperation in these industries, especially in key components, and that they will further expand cooperation in marine economy and marine technology development.

Winther thanked Nantong authorities for their support for local Danish enterprises and said that Denmark has a strong marine economy and numerous renowned life science enterprises.

Nantong and Denmark boast promising prospects for cooperation in marine economy and life sciences, added Winther, who hopes that both sides will strengthen industrial exchanges.

The Consul General went to Nantong to attend the signing ceremony between Denmark-based Nim Tech and Shanghai-based Zhongxun Tech.

The two companies will build a welding robot and system integration research and manufacturing base in Nantong, which is expected to generate 600 million yuan in sales revenue per year.