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Hai’an holds key symposium on high-quality development

Updated: 2019-04-24

Hai'an, Nantong, a city of East China's Jiangsu province, successfully held a key symposium on promoting its high-quality development and attracting investment in Beijing on April 19.

Over 200 representatives from the chambers of commerce of major industries; leading companies in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei; venture capital funds; as well as the heads of Hai'an's towns, parks and high-tech zones participated in the event.

At the symposium, Ding Lizhong, the mayor of Hai'an, talked about the city's investment environment and strengths.

Ding said that high-quality development is a new requirement for the new era. Hai'an, located in the northern wing of the Yangtze River Delta, is now in a critical period for transforming and improving the quality and efficiency of its development.

The mayor said it was urgent to strengthen cooperation and exchanges with Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to promote his city's opening up and achieve better development.

Officials said the event is expected to further promote the two-way flow and mutual transformation of superior resources on the basis of strengthening communications and understanding, so as to promote exchanges and cooperation at higher levels and in broader fields.

After the symposium, each zone and town also held an activity to separately showcase and promote their investment environment.