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Xinghua city adds three Jiangsu province traditional villages

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: January 23, 2024

Three villages in Xinghua – a county-level city in East China's Jiangsu province – were listed among the seventh batch of Jiangsu province's traditional villages recently.

The three villages are the Huayuantou area in Daiyao town, the Maxi area in Dainan town and the Jiangdai area in Qianduo town.

Xinghua has effectively protected the vitality and integrity of its traditional villages – prioritizing them for the development of a special idyllic countryside in recent years.

To date, 23 villages in Xinghua have been placed on the list of provincial-level traditional villages, ranking it third among 76 agriculture-related counties and county-level cities in Jiangsu province.

Looking ahead, Xinghua is aiming to boost the protection and utilization of its rural cultural heritage and deeply explore the cultural value and competitiveness of its traditional villages – striving to inherit China's fine traditional culture, according to the local authorities.

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The Huayuantou area in Daiyao town, in Xinghua city. [Photo/WeChat account: xinghuafabu]

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