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Fuel cell industry seminar held in Taizhou Port EDZ

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: June 8, 2023

A hydrogen fuel cell industry seminar took place in the Taizhou Port Economic Development Zone, in Taizhou city, East China's Jiangsu province, on June 1 with the aim of attracting more industry-related enterprises to set up a presence in the zone.

More than 20 auto enterprises, including China Automotive Technology & Research Center Co Ltd, Toyota (China), Faw Group and Sinosynergy, attended the seminar.

Wang Yingjun, an official from the zone, said that the seminar will help promote the localization and mass production of key materials and components of hydrogen fuel cells.

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Renowned businesses that have a presence in the Taizhou Port Economic Development Zone. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_1ff53eb21f0a]

The zone has in recent years focused on building a modern industrial system spearheaded by the new energy vehicle and parts industry and supported by the food and beverage, and high-end medical device industries.

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