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Taixing's farmers toil to bring in bumper harvest of rice

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: October 30, 2023

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Taixing is now in the middle of harvesttime – bringing in fields of rice. [Photo/WeChat account: txfabu]

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A reaping machine works tirelessly on the crop. [Photo/WeChat account: txfabu]

Grain growers in Taixing city – administered by Taizhou in East China's Jiangsu province – have recently been busy with a bumper harvest, with over 600,000 mu (40,000 hectares) of rice there now ready to be brought in.

Farmers say the net income per mu is expected to increase by 123.6 yuan ($16.89) compared with last year.

In Sanyang village in Yanling sub-district, grower Zhu Aiping and friends jointly allocated 920 mu of farmland to cultivate rice, which is expected to bring them a total turnover of over 1.3 million yuan this year.

For 2023, Taixing invited 17 tech service teams to offer full guidance on autumn grain production operations.

As a result, the area given over to the planting of high-quality rice has grown to 576,100 mu – accounting for 96.1 percent of the total area under cultivation for rice.

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