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Great Lantern Festival activities held in Taixing

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: February 6, 2023

A raft of fun activities was held in Taixing city – a county-level city administered by Taizhou, in East China's Jiangsu province – adding fun and frivolity to the Lantern Festival.

At night, a light show performed by 500 drones lit up the city sky. The drones presented characters and patterns related to Taixing in vivid colors, wowing the audience.

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The city's Changzhou-Taixing Bridge is reproduced in the sky by drones. [Photo/content-static.cctvnews.cctv.com]

Earlier, kids gathered in front of stalls to watch handicrafts being made, as well as face painting, rope weaving, straw weaving and other crafts.


A craftsman paints different gourds. [Photo/content-static.cctvnews.cctv.com]

Enjoying beautiful lanterns and solving riddles are traditional things that are done during the festival. The style of lanterns has changed through the times, but what remains the same is the cultural sentiment passed down from generation to generation.


Red lanterns with different patterns attract people's attention. [Photo/content-static.cctvnews.cctv.com]

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