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Taixing environment education center becomes provincial base

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: December 19, 2022

The ecological and environmental education experience center in the county-level city of Taxing – administered by Taizhou city, in East China's Jiangsu province – was recently selected in the latest group of "Jiangsu ecological civilization education practice bases".

The list was drawn up by the Department of Ecology and Environment of Jiangsu Province.

The center was built in 2020 for more than 20 million yuan ($2.87 million). It is regarded as being an effective carrier and an important platform to boost the awareness of people about the ecosystem and to increase their participation in environmental protection.

The center is regularly open to the public, especially primary and secondary school students and social environmental volunteer groups.

It focuses on spreading environmental protection concepts, promoting a green and low-carbon lifestyle and promoting the ecological civilization as a new social trend with mainstream values.

To date, the center has received nearly 6,000 visitors and held more than 30 experience activities.

Moreover, it was declared the "Taixing City Ecological and Environmental Education Practice Base for Youth and Children" in June 2021.

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