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Foundry conference held in Taizhou's Jiangyan district

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: April 25, 2024

A wide-ranging conference on the reform and restructuring of the foundry industry in Jiangsu was recently held in the Jiangyan district of Taizhou city, located in East China's Jiangsu province.

The conference's aim was to improve the industry's standards for reform and to help pave the way for the future development of traditional industrial sectors.


Conference attendees have an on-site look at companies in the foundry industry. [Photo/WeChat account: jyrmzf]

The conference stressed the need for production and industry management to prioritize environmental protection, to propel traditional industries towards eco-friendly progress.

Strict compliance with laws and regulations to address unlawful discharge of pollutants was strongly emphasized, with the long-term goal of optimizing the business environment.

The event advocated a systematic guidance of enterprises to improve their operations in line with prevailing green foundry standards.

What's more, it underscored the importance of enhancing expert technical guidance and extending policy, technological and service support to enterprises.

It also mandated local ecological and environmental departments to provide tangible guidance and aid to foundry operators – encompassing funding applications, performance evaluations and emergency management during severe pollution episodes.

At the conference, Sun Liangliang, Party secretary of the district committee, provided an overview of Jiangyan district's progress in the foundry industry's reform and enhancement endeavors and highlighted the importance of expediting the advancement of industries within the district. 

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