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Jiangyan strives to achieve self-reliance in high-quality development

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: October 12, 2023

Jiangyan district in Taizhou city of East China's Jiangsu province is implementing an innovation-driven development strategy to promote high-quality socio-economic development.

Efforts are being made to improve the technological innovation mechanism, nurture innovative entities, enhance technological innovation platforms, and attract high-quality innovation resources.

The district has established a committee for talent and technological innovation, integrating talent and technology work to advance both areas.

Technological innovations in enterprises are also on the rise, with over 200 million yuan ($27.47 million) allocated as incentives over the last three years. The district is also quantitatively evaluating the innovation capability of enterprises in order to provide personalized support.

The status of enterprises as the mainstay of technological innovation is being strengthened through the "Yanzhen Plan," which cultivates technological enterprises. This tiered system promotes convergence and scale in innovation clusters by covering startups, small and medium-sized enterprises, high-tech enterprises, and influential innovative enterprises.

Technological innovation platforms are also improving, as several innovation centers have been established in collaboration with the Taizhou Industrial Technology Research Institute.

Additionally, offshore innovation centers and research and development centers have been set up to attract more science and technology projects.


Officials and business representatives pose for a photo at the opening of the Jiangyan-Shenzhen Offshore Innovation Center in South China's Shenzhen city. [Photo/WeChat ID: gh_d6cb78f80c03]

The gathering of high-quality innovation resources is being accelerated through the integration of industry, university, research, and commercialization.

What's more, an automotive and precision parts manufacturing alliance was established this year to promote collaborative innovation.

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